Our Place Our Future
Integrated Strategic Planning Framework

Help plan for our community’s future

Lithgow City Council is conducting a Survey to identify the community’s priorities for the future of the Lithgow local government area.

The survey will be open until the 4th of October.  
The survey will enable Council to:
  • Identify what the community values most about living in the Lithgow area.
  • Identify what the community believes are the highest priority issues will be in the Lithgow area over the next 10 years. And
  • Assess community priorities when planning for Lithgow’s future.
click the link below to complete the Survey 

Community Survey


All NSW Councils use the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework to guide their planning and reporting activities.   The requirements for the IP&R are set out in the Local Government Act 1993 (The Act) and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (The Regulation) 

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework consists of a suite of interrelated documents that together provide a rigorous, consistent approach to community planning and reporting.    

Why is IP&R Important? 

Local councils operate in an increasingly complex environment, with responsibilities under more than 50 different pieces of legislation and direct relations with over 20 NSW and commonwealth agencies. The IP&R framework allows local councils to navigate these complexities in a meaningful and purposeful way and to:  

  • Integrate community priorities into council strategies and plans 
  • Support community and stakeholders to play an active role in shaping the future of their community 
  • Articulate the community’s vision and priorities 
  • Assign resourcing to support delivery of the vision and priorities, while also balancing aspirations with affordability 
  • Maintain accountability and transparency by regular monitoring and reporting.  

Over the next nine months, the Council will be reviewing and updating the suite of documents which form the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.  


What documents make up the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework? 

State of the City IPR Graphic
Community Strategic Plan

The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is the highest-level plan that the Council will prepare.  The purpose of the CSP is to identify the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and to plan strategies for achieving these goals.  It guides all remaining strategies and plans and must be developed by Councils with and on behalf of the community.   It addresses 4 key questions:  

  1. Where are we now?
  2. Where do we want to be in 10 years’ time?
  3. How will we get there?
  4. How will we know we have arrived?
Delivery Program

The Delivery Program (DP) is a statement of commitment to the community from the newly elected council which translates the community’s strategic goals into clear actionsIt sets out the Council’s priorities and how programs will be scheduled over the next four years. 

Operational Plan

This is the Council’s annual Action Plan for achieving the priorities outlined in the Community Strategic Plan and the Delivery Program.   

The Operational Plan (OP) is prepared annually and identifies projects, programs, and activities that the Council will conduct to achieve the commitments in the Delivery Program. 

Long Term Financial Plan

The Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is a 10-year rolling plan that informs decision making and demonstrates how the objectives of the CSP and commitments of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan will be resourced and funded.  

The LTFP captures the financial implications of asset management and workforce planning.  For example, by identifying how additional assets will be funded, or existing assets renewed or upgraded and what provisions are made for changes to service levels.  

Workforce Management Plan

The Workforce Management Plan is a proactive, 4-year document that shapes the capacity and capability of the workforce to achieve the Council’s strategic goals and objectives.  

It clearly defines how future staffing and skills requirements will be met, such as through recruitment, staff progression and development, internal redeployment, and succession planning.  

Stategic Asset Management Plan

The strategic asset management plan’s key objective is to provide the required level of service for the community in accordance with the CSP and in the most cost-effective mannerLevels of service are key business drivers for asset planning, along with technical requirements that ensure asset sustainabilityAssets may include roads, water and sewerage systems, drains, bridges, footpaths, buildings, recreational facilities, parks, and gardens.    

Key Dates


Monday 16 September

Telephone Survey conducted by Micromex Consulting commences  


Friday 20 September

Telephone Survey conducted by Micromex Consulting closes 


Monday 23 September

Online survey opens 


Friday 4 October

Online survey closes



Survey results provided to new Council Visioning Workshop 


28 October

State of the Region Report presented to Council for endorsement 


28 April

Draft Integrated Planning & Reporting Document Suite presented to Council to endorse for exhibition 


29 April

Community submissions open for IP&R Document Suite


1 June

Community submissions close for IP&R Document Suite 


23 June

Final report to Council for IP&R Document Suite 


1 July 2025

New IP&R Framework Commences

Community Feedback

Website Links

What is the first step? 

Our Place Our Future Community Strategic Plan 2035 Update 

The Council has engaged Micromex Consulting to undertake a community survey which will inform  the review and update of the Our Place Our Future Community Strategic Plan 2025 – the highest-level strategic plan for our local government area – to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our community, environmentally, socially, economically and in terms of our civic leadership. 

This survey will provide the opportunity for you to provide feedback on your challenges, and priorities across environmental, social, economic, and cultural aspects of life in the Lithgow LGA (Local Government Area).


What is a community strategic plan

The Community Strategic Plan is the highest-level strategic plan for the whole of the Lithgow LGA. It is prepared on behalf of and in consultation with the community and key organisations and agencies who provide services to the Local Government Area. 

Why is the Community Strategic Plan being reviewed?

It is a requirement under the Local Government Act 1993 (s402) that every 4 years, following a Council election, the Council must review the Community Strategic Plan. Any changes to the Community Strategic Plan must be endorsed by the Council by 30 June 2025. 

Why is this consultation being undertaken during the Council election caretaker period?

The survey results will be presented to the new Council in October/November as part of a Councillor Visioning Workshop.  This will inform the development of the Delivery Program. 

The Delivery Program is a statement of commitment to the community from the newly elected council which translates the community’s strategic goals into clear actions.  It sets out the Council’s priorities and how programs will be scheduled over the next four years.  

How can I find out more?

Please feel free to reach out to Deborah McGrath, Manager Organisational Performance & Communications (deborah.mcgrath@lithgow.nsw.gov.au)  if you have any questions about the project or the survey. 

How can I find out more?

The update of the Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework document suite will take 9 months from September 2023 – June 2024.  During this time, we will seek your feedback via surveys and community submissions on key topics and documents on exhibition,  

All feedback is presented to the Council in the form of reports to Councillor Information Sessions, workshops and through Council meeting agendas.  

The results of the feedback will be used to inform the review and update of the Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework.   

How will I be informed of progress with the update of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework?

This website will be updated regularly with the results of community feedback, documents, fact sheets and more so please keep checking back in.  

Information on this project will be published through our social media channels, media releases, in the fortnightly Council Column (in the Lithgow Mercury and Village Voice), our weekly eNewsletter Council Connections and local radio.