Kremer Park Grandstand Renaming

Kremer Park Grandstand

Update 09 September 2024

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council 22 July, the Council considered Item 7.5 Renaming of Kremer Park Grandstand.  It was noted that in accordance with a resolution of Council held 25 March 2024 (Min 24-55) the council publicly exhibited a renaming proposal for the Kremer Park Grandstand. The Community Development Committee meeting held on 9 July advised by the Administration that this matter had been withdrawn from the Agenda.
Council is asked to note that a Policy will be developed for the Naming or Renaming of Council Buildings and Facilities, and the means of approving in memorial recognitions at, or of, Council facilities.
For more information view the agenda and minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 22 July and attachment 4.2.1 Minutes of the Community Development Committee Meeting held on 9 July.



At the March 2024 meeting of Lithgow City Council, it was resolved to commence a process of community engagement for the renaming of the Kremer Park Grandstand in honor of the late “Gary (Snag) Taylor”.   

  • Gary Taylor was a well-respected player, coach, sponsor and supporter of the Portland Colts and a very well-respected man who contributed so much to the club and community.
    Gary Taylor was an incredible role model for many of the footballers in Portland for an exceptionally long time. He was passionate and a person with integrity and ability.  

 Following historical investigation (a brief historical timeline with relevant excerpts from the Lithgow Mercury published at that time is available below), the Grandstand has never officially been named “Kremer Park” Grandstand; it has historically been called this by default due to its location on Kremer Park.  However, Kremer Park was named after Cr Lou Kremer, who was President of the Portland Improvement Committee and instrumental in applying for the funding to have the grandstand built.   

A brief history of the naming of Kremer Park and the construction of the Grandstand

Excerpts from the Lithgow Mercury archives held at the Lithgow Library. 

January 1936
The Wentworth Park Improvement Committee wrote to the Local Government Department requesting a 500 pound grant “for the purpose of effecting improvements”
Cr. Kremer [President of the Town Improvement Committee] successfully moved in this direction, and the engineer (Mr C.R.C. Lundy was instructed to prepare plans and specifications, with an estimate of cost, for a grandstand to accommodate about 200 people.

February 1937, The Department of Works and Local Government advised that plans and specifications of works in connection with the erection of a grandstand in Wentworth Park had been approved. “A grant of £300 has been made available for this purpose, and in his report the engineer (Mr. H.C. Reid) stated that prices had been obtained for the necessary timber. These were accepted by Council and work will commence as soon as final arrangements are completed.” 

August 1939Portland Rugby League directed attention to the “necessity of providing a parking area for cars in Wentworth Park, pointing out that on Sunday 60 cars were parked outside the ground, with a consequent loss of revenue… “Cr. Kremer thought a parking area at the top end of the grandstand should be provided out of town improvement fund. If this could not be done, a parking area at the lower end should be considered. 

14 February 1952  – Department Wants Murray instead of Kremer Park 

Suggesting that the name, “Murray Park” be substituted for Wentworth Park, instead of the proposed “Lou Kremer Park” the Acting Minister for Lands yesterday submitted a long letter to Blaxland Shire Council in support of his claim.  

Recently Portland residents led by the Lou Kremer Testimonial Committee suggested that Wentworth Park be named in honor of Cr. Lou Kremer as a token of appreciation for his service to the community.   

President of Blaxland Shire Council, Cr, Kremer took no part in yesterday’s deliberations which resulted in Council adhering to its previous opinion.   

Council also agreed to refer the Acting Minster’s letter to the testimonial committee for its comments.  

The Ministerial letter read as follows: –  

“In the first place I wish to point out that it is not the practice of this Department when naming parks after individuals to use both Christian and surnames.  

“The name, ‘Kremer Park’ is therefore preferred to that of ‘Lou Kremer Park.’ 

“I fully appreciate the desire of your Council and the citizens of Portland to perpetuate the name of a citizen who had rendered outstanding service to the community in recent years, but, before giving a decision, I would like your Council to give the matter some further consideration.  

“In a district rich in historical associations and at a time when the people are noticeably taking more and more interest in the early history of their towns and localities, I do not think that any opportunity should be missed of forging additional links into the local historical chain by way of appropriately selected names.  

“With this in mind, I suggest that consideration be given to the adoption of the ‘Murray Park,’ in honour of ‘Thomas Murray’, who, apart from being virtually the found of Portland, was intimately associated with the particular areas under discussion from about 1870 onwards.  

“Murray in 1864 took up two selections of 40 acres and 60 acres respectively in what is now the heart of the town.  They were later occupied by the Portland Cement Works.   

“While farming his property Murray discovered limestone and he erected the first lime kiln on the reserve now under consideration.  It was situated on the north-eastern portion of the reserve, fronting Limes Street and was worked by Murray until 183, when it was taken over by the Cullen Bullen Mining Co.  

“From this modest beginning the town of Portland, with its Important Cement industry, has developed.  

“It will be seen that the name ‘Murray’ is closely bound up with this particular parcel of land and the fact that a street has already been given that name does not detract from the idea of preserving another historical Assocation”.  

25 June 1953 Show Society Honor for Cr. Lou Kremer 

At the annual meeting of the Portland A.H.I and P Society, held last Thursday night, the members unanimously elected Mr. Lou Kremer patron of the society for the ensuing year in honor of his outstanding efforts on the society’s behalf over the five years of its existence.  

It will be remembered that Life Membership was conferred on Mr. Kremer during the year.  

17 June 1954 Improved Park Facilities Urged. Summarising the decisions reached at the public meeting, Mr. Moore said the sporting bodies were anxious to see Lou Kremer Park adequately fenced, the surface of the oval improved and grandstand facilities developed to the stage where hot showers would be available.










Gary Taylor

Gary Taylor


Key Dates

  • Submissions open: Saturday 1 June  
  • Submissions close: Sunday 30 June 

What happens with my submission?

The council wishes to encourage everyone to provide feedback on the proposal to rename Kremer Park Grandstand, the ‘Gary (Snag) Taylor’ Grandstand.  All feedback will be considered, and you will be kept informed of the process and progress with your feedback as the project progresses.  

Feedback opens 1 June and will close on 30 June.