Lithgow EV Station

Lithgow City Council is inviting residents, business owners and community groups to provide feedback on the Draft Seven Valleys Destination Action Plan 2024-2030 (DAP). 

What is the Seven Valleys Destination Action Plan? 

The Seven Valleys Destination Action Plan is about setting the framework, direction, and priorities for the establishment of an effective place branding strategy for the Lithgow LGA, and to sustainably grow the local visitor economy. The DAP is a strategic document that identifies opportunities, constraints, and pathways to build the visitor economy across the LGA and the destination positioning of The Seven Valleys. 

The DAP is a practical and prioritised action plan that supports regional promotion, visitation and prosperity while addressing barriers and challenges faced by the region.  

The Draft Seven Valleys Destination Action Plan was developed in consultation with local industry and Council following a range of comprehensive facilitated workshops held during 2023. 

Why comment on the Destination Action Plan? 

It is important that community and industry groups contribute to the DAP to ensure it is a focussed and realistic plan that represents and reflects the local tourism industry. The DAP contains priority actions designed to maximise industry momentum. Feedback on any aspect of the document is invited

Frequently Asked Questions  


How will the implementation of the Plan be funded?

The implementation of the Destination Action Plan will require a joint approach with Council and industry.  

The Council’s ability to implement the plan is detailed within it and involves forward planning, grant funding and industry contribution.  

The Council will also be engaging further with the industry during the next stage of the DAP actions to review and develop a strategic branding strategy and multi-year marketing plan. 

Tourism is an important direction for our future, what is the Council doing to promote and attract business?

The Council is currently implementing recommendations from the Lithgow Evolving Economies Plan. The LGA has also recently seen a large investment with the $50 million Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area project set to unlock even more investment in tourism and the visitor economy. 

How is the council developing Mountain Biking and acknowledging its relation to the visitor economy?

The Seven Valleys has many attributes that would lead to the LGA becoming a popular multi-day destination for mountain biking and cycling. 

The Council is a key partner in the Lithgow Mountain Bike Transformation project with adjoining landowners and the central Tablelands Mountain Bike Club. This project, in association with the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area, will see world class single and dual use tracks developed across a range of land tenures. 

How are tourism opportunities at Hassans Walls Reserve being considered?

It is important to consider suitable and sustainable visitor use and tourism opportunities at Hassans Walls while encouraging responsible mixed use for the benefit of the local visitor economy.  

A comprehensive range of studies including flora, fauna and cultural heritage are being undertaken on the Hassans Walls Reserve. These studies will help identify areas where specific environmental and cultural values require protection and inform considerations of any proposals for Hassans Walls. 

How is the council ensuring that the proposed Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project will add value to the visitor economy if approved?

Council is in discussions with Energy Australia to maximise the positive tourism and recreation opportunity impact of the proposed pumped hydro development at Lake Lyell. The addition of new and upgraded recreation facilities and assets, such as walking, cycling and mountain bike trails, are some suggestions raised. The Council is working to ensure that the pumped hydro proposal actively considers using the project to deliver adjoining attractions that would also drive investment in the local visitor economy.

Project Timeline


Submission Open

11 April 2024


Submission Close

10 May 2024

Supporting Documents

What happens with my Feedback?

The council would like to encourage everyone to provide feedback on the DAP to ensure broad tourism industry and community engagement and endorsement. Your feedback will be considered and, where appropriate and within DAP’s scope, may be incorporated into the final edit. All feedback will be considered, and you will be kept informed of the process and progress with your feedback as the finalisation of the DAP progresses. 

 Feedback opens 11 April and will close on 10 May. 

Submissions have now closed